Over the last decade, there has been a lot of transformation in the philosophy of testing as a whole new breed of tools have invaded the testing community. However, conventional tools still do not address gaps that are not big enough yet cannot be ignored. In addition to the gaps, we understand your requirements are unique but market tools provide generic solutions which need a lot of customization. Cigniti has built a set of tools to address these needs, gaps and challenges.

Welcome Note

On behalf of Cigniti, I would like to thank you for this opportunity to demonstrate our QA and Testing capabilities in Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Industry.
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Nanda Padmaraju | Head of UK Operations

Client Speak

Testers were willing to continue arguing for their perception of a deficiency, this led to good improvements in some situations where we were misinterpreting their points. The team sent in a daily digest of logged bugs and also gave us a very clear indication of items that need feedback and clarifications.

CEO, a leading software solutions provider

Thank you to you and your team for all of your efforts. I know this project has not been easy. I appreciate you offering to get a new test plan together. THANK YOU!

Vice President of a leading financial services organization

Analyst Speak

Gartner recognizes and lists Cignitias a Pure-Play Testing service provider with multi domain Skills

The background in software product testing provides assurance that cigniti has capabilities in software testing for both enterprise and technology clients

Overview for AstraZeneca

Overview of Cigniti value-add and service offerings for AstraZeneca

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Our initiative “Project Cignificance” which aims to empower a million lives with Education

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Partial list of our Health Care clients

World's Leading Independent Testing Services Company